Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Tate Lynn's Braclet

Isn't this just cutest braclet? Thanks Aunt Tenille. I had to paint Tate Lynn's nails, just to show off the bling! I of course had to do it while she was sleeping. I painted one hand at a time, held it and blew it dry, all bofore she moved or woke up. Doesn't it look so cute?

1 comment:

KaufusiFamily said...

Tate Lynn is going to be 100% girl. I love it!

Hospital Slideshow


I finally did it!

Well, here you go! This is for all of you that have told me to set up a blog for the past... who knows how long. I just hope I can keep it updated regularly like the rest of you. I figured this would be the best time to set this up, since I now only have 5 more days until our new little bundle of joy arrives. That's right, for all of you who are unaware, the Miller family is having a baby! I know... ten years later, what are we thinking? Who knows? But we are all so excited we can hardly stand it. We all count the days down constantly. I thought this would be a great way to share our joy in the days, and years to come.