Tate Lynn was born on August 8, 2008. Time was 1:02 pm. She weighed 6lbs 10oz and was 19 inches long. She has been such a good baby. Mom and Dad are so proud! It was deffinetly worth the wait. We love to just sit and stare at her when she is starting to fall asleep, because she makes the funniest faces. She smiles big and sometimes even giggles. Its histericle.
Joey and Tana just love her to pieces. They can't seem to get enough time in for loving on her.
Tana is such a mother, she loves to change her into her pj's and get her all lotioned up for bed.
Joey loves it when she's hungry and searching for that bottle. He seems to think it is quite funny that she will suck on his nose if it happens to be readily available.
Tana is such a mother, she loves to change her into her pj's and get her all lotioned up for bed.
Joey loves it when she's hungry and searching for that bottle. He seems to think it is quite funny that she will suck on his nose if it happens to be readily available.